June 1, 2013

“How Great Thou ART” Adult Painting Class

"An artist should paint as if in the presence of God"

“How Great Thou ART” is a beginners acrylic painting class where no experience is necessary. The class is designed and taught by Bernie for those adults who know there is an artist within them who needs a little instruction and encouragement to emerge. This class, although not a “Sunday School” class per say, is based on biblical scripture….

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy... think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
Click HERE for all the details about this class...

Click link to see photos from our art classes... "How Great Thou ART" Class
The current "How Great Thou ART" Adult Class is FULL... we take roll call before each class and fill any open spots from our 'Waiting List." To get on the waiting list, simply comment on this post with your name, email address, and phone number.
Great News: A second "How Great Thou ART" adult painting class will be starting in September 2013. Please comment in this post if you are interested in signing up for this class... be sure to leave your name and contact info.

Current Class Roster:  

Johnnie Shane
Betty Brittian
Linda Haley
Jaquie Dawers
Connie Wenner
Kathy Humphrey
Barbara Soos
Curtis Russell
Sue Murphy
Karen Fritsch


1 comment:

  1. The current "How Great Thou ART" Adult Class is FULL... we take roll call before each class and fill any open spots from our 'waiting list." To get on the waiting list simply comment on this post with your name, email address, and phone number.

    Great News: A second "How Great Thou ART" adult painting class will be starting in September 2013. Please comment in this post if you are interested in signing up for this class... be sure to leave your name and contact info.


If you would like to sign up for this class or workshop please leave your (and child's) name plus an email address to register for this class or workshop. Thank you for supporting the arts and giving me this opportunity to serve you. After the class or workshop limit has been reached the names will be placed in order on a waiting list.
Thank you...
In Art,