September 6, 2013

Welcome "Back to School" to all my Young Artists!

Just wanted to give a shout out to all my young artists as they go back to school! I had a BLAST working with you all this summer... a special thanks to you and your parents for making the "Summer Workshop Series" a HUGE hit! School has started for me as well... I am excited to be student teaching in Mrs. Horne's third grade class this school year at Meadow View Elementary. Meadow View infuses the A+ School Program which is right up my alley... The A+ Schools Program is the largest, longest running, most successful arts-based whole-school reform effort in the nation. Since 1995, A+ Schools has been using the arts as a catalyst for creating connections and making school engaging, meaningful and enjoyable places to teach and learn. Due to my internship... workshops and classes will be limited in number but I plan to "ROCK" your art world again next summer! Thanks again for everything!

In Art,
Mr. Bernie

PS. Stay in touch for future workshops during "teacher workdays."


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If you would like to sign up for this class or workshop please leave your (and child's) name plus an email address to register for this class or workshop. Thank you for supporting the arts and giving me this opportunity to serve you. After the class or workshop limit has been reached the names will be placed in order on a waiting list.
Thank you...
In Art,