September 18, 2013

How Great Thou ART Class #2 set for 3rd Fridays is Offcially BOOKED.

I am excited to start a new class...“How Great Thou ART” Class #2 (third Fridays of each month). Thanks to all my friends and students in HGTA Class #1… the class is full. That makes both of our classes BOOKED full.
Thanks… Bernie

HGTA Class #1 Roster (1st Fridays)
1. Johnnie Shane
2. Betty Brittian
3. Linda Haley
4. Jaquie Dawers
5. Kathy Humphrey
6. Barbara Soos
7. Curtis Russell
8. Nadine Miller
9. Connie Wenner
10. Karen Fritsch

HGTA Class #2 Roster (3rd Fridays)
1. Gail Taylor
2. Marsha Antinori
3. Fran Antinori
4. Donna Wilkerson
5. Sue Murphy
6. Grace Lasky
7. June Cobun
8. Michelle Almand
9. Phil Davis
10. Dot Padgett
11. Geri Steele
• Betty, Linda, and Barbara on call if someone cannot attend.

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Thank you...
In Art,