June 4, 2013

TECH NOTE: How do I register from a smart phone?

WOW... I amazed and impressed by how fast these workshops are booking. Everyone's LOVE of ART is exciting to watch. I am blessed by your dedication to the arts and patronage. We will have a ARTastic time during the workshops!

This was launched last night at 9pm and three workshops have already booked full. If that is the case for a workshop you wanted, still take the time to register so you or your child will be put (in order) on a waiting list. Things almost always come up and someone has to cancel at the last minute so an opening is likely.

I have received several emails from people unable to comment on each workshop (therefore being unable to register). The issue in most cases is that they were trying to do so from their cell phones. A special thanks to Gretchen for sharing this tech tip to pass along...

On your smart phone... click on the link that says "Web Version" and then proceed as normal.

In Art,

Link to Spring - Summer Workshops by Bernie... click HERE...

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If you would like to sign up for this class or workshop please leave your (and child's) name plus an email address to register for this class or workshop. Thank you for supporting the arts and giving me this opportunity to serve you. After the class or workshop limit has been reached the names will be placed in order on a waiting list.
Thank you...
In Art,