February 27, 2013

Hats off to Bailey the artist...

Bailey is one of the "Coolest" young artists I know. She is taking lessons from me but I am the one being inspired! She's a 10 year old fifth grader at CFIE. She LOVES art and sees the beauty in nature. She dreams of painting at the beach and attending New Bridge Middle School next year. She is charming, sweet, creative, optimistic, courageous, and has a smile that puts Mona Lisa's to shame. Bailey was recently diagnosed with cancer. Her Facebook page, "Hats Off to Bailey," states... "she is determined to fight and win this battle and to share her hopes and strength with all kids." She has already done that for me... an adult and fellow artist! 
Mr. Bernie
Check out her lesson HERE.

Join "Team Bailey" and be inspired too!
Click image below to go to her Facebook site and hit "LIKE"