June 27,28,& 29, 2012

Title: Introduction to Plein Air Painting for Kids
Instructor: Bernie Rosage Jr. of Onslow Art Expressions
Workshop Department: Plein Air
Date: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 27, 29, & 29, 2012 ~ 10am-2pm each day
Media: Acrylics and/or Tempera
Level: Beginner (no experience painting necessary)
Workshop Fee: $115 per student
Class Size: Limited to 6 students (2 spots left... sign up asap)
Location: Bicentennial Park, Swansboro Waterfront, Swansboro, NC
(Drop off and pick up at the Otway Burns Statue each day). We will be working within walking distance of the statue each day and always working together as a close group for safety and instruction ease.
Public restrooms on site.
Materials: All materials will be provided by Bernie including drinking water.
Items children need to bring:Packed lunch… Students will need to bring a packed lunch and snack everyday. We will have lunch on location everyday as a group and discuss art as we dine. Students will need a hat to shield the sun plus sunscreen and bug spray.
Workshop Concept: Introduce the longstanding tradition of painting “en plein aire”… the French term literally translates “in open air”… to children while teaching them some basic building blocks to capturing the landscape in paint. Students will be introduced to values, composition, linear and aerial perspective, and basic color theory while working with a limited palette of colors. They will practice the importance of thumbnail sketches, doing value studies, mixing color charts, and capturing a colorful landscape painting outside on location by workshops end. All materials for these exercises and paintings are provided by Art Expressions so the student need only supply the eagerness to learn and have fun.
To Register: Limited space available so register quick. A waiting list will be compiled.
Please call or email Bernie at (910) 389-5887
Email: bernierosage@gmail.com
Payment due upon registration to secure place in workshop.
PayPal or Personal checks accepted.