June 18, 2016

Summer Workshops limited to adult classes this summer...

I am sorry to announce that I will only be teaching workshops to my adult classes this year. Most of my adult classes are put on hold during the school year as I teach youths so I decided to cater to them with the limited time I have this summer. Thanks for your understanding.


Dear HGTA art buddies...
This will be the first of three acrylic painting workshops I offer this summer (1 in June and 2 in August) to my regular HGTA atists. Same price with materials included.

The first workshop is set for FRIDAY, JUNE 24th from 9am until Noon at the Jenner Wenner Studio at the CFTA. I will be available for critiques at 8:30 am. The topic will be Negative Space Painting.

There will be 10 spots available for each workshop so please sign up on the official Facebook post created for this event. 

Can't wait to see ya'll....