April 30, 2014

HGTA Spring/Summer Classes BOOKED

To my dear HGTA ARTSY friends... Thank you for your dedication and patience with putting up with my ECU Senior year schedule and student teaching internship. There's light at the end of the tunnel and I graduate May 10th. We are finally back to days for the Spring and Summer. Please stayed tuned for date changes via email to accommodate my painting trip to Ireland and the NC Mountains this summer. Looking forward to painting with you all!
Love you all!
In Faith and Art,

Here is the most current roster:

HGTA Class #1 (First Fridays)
1. Johnnie Shane
2. Betty Brittian
3. Linda Haley
4. Jaquie Dawers
5. Kathy Humphrey
6. Barbara Soos
7. Curtis Russell
8. Nadine Miller
9. Connie Wenner
10. Karen Fritsch

HGTA Class #2 (Third Fridays)
1. Delores Raynor
2. Nancy Lloyd
3. Gail Taylor
4. Marsha Antinori 
5. Donna Wilkerson 
6. Michelle Almand
7. Phil Davis 
8. Dot Padgett 
9. Geri Steele
10. Iris Raynor

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If you would like to sign up for this class or workshop please leave your (and child's) name plus an email address to register for this class or workshop. Thank you for supporting the arts and giving me this opportunity to serve you. After the class or workshop limit has been reached the names will be placed in order on a waiting list.
Thank you...
In Art,