July 5, 2013

Spend the Day with Claude Monet

Attention Art Councils, Art Organizations, etc. in Eastern North Carolina... Bernie Rosage Jr.. offers "living history" style painting instruction for kids, teens, and adults with his "Spend the Day with Claude Monet" art workshops. Contact him today for details!

Workshop Details: This one day workshop will introduce the students to the "Father of Impressionism," Claude Monet. Artist/instructor, Bernie Rosage Jr., will dress in circa 1880 attire and give an interactive living history program as he portrays a middle aged Claude Monet. He will share art history from the Impressionist Art Movement and talk about Claude Monet's contributions and unique painting style. This workshop is more than a living history program, the main focus is painting in the style of Impressionism. Bernie (aka Monet) will teach students the impressionistic style as they paint a finished painting in the style made famous by Monet. The workshop is designed for beginning and intermediate artists using the mediums of oils and/or acrylics. Bernie’s step-by-step approach and individual attention makes this workshop perfect for beginning artists but challenging enough for intermediates. This unique workshop allows the students to witness art history through one of the art world's most important figures plus paint in the style of one of the world's most influential art movements... Impressionism!

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In Art,