May 8, 2013

OAE's Spring/Summer Workshop/Class dates anounced...

Summer Workshop Dates finalized today... I have finally been able to juggle schedules with ECU, the Arts Council, and Sturgeon City to come up with the following dates for Spring/Summer Workshop/Classes... Details about what the workshops/age groups are in the works and will be released soon... stay tuned... meanwhile, I thought you might like have the dates... Thanks for your patience, Bernie

Onslow Art Expressions Spring/Summer Workshop/Class Schedule:

May 10, 2013 – Friday – 9am-Noon – “How Great Thou ART” adult painting class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

May 18, 2013 – Wednesday – 10am-3pm – Adult “Impressionism” painting workshop class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

June 11 & 13, 2013 – Tuesday & Thursday – 10am-3pm each day – Two Day “Collage Workshop” for Middle School Kids (Teacher’s Work Days… students will be out of school) class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts (Cost total for both days is $65… some materials required).

June 19, 2013 – Wednesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

June 20, 2013 – Thursday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

June 24-28, 2013 – Art Institute @ Sturgeon City – Open to Junior and Senior High School and College students… Details and Registration through Sturgeon City Institutes @

July 2, 2013 – Tuesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

July 3, 2013 – Wednesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

July 10, 2013 – Wednesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

July 12, 2013 – Thursday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

July 14, 2013 – Friday - 9am-Noon – “How Great Thou ART” adult painting class

July 17, 2013 – Wednesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

July 18, 2013 – Thursday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

August 14, 2013 – Wednesday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

August 15, 2013 – Thursday – TBA class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

August 16, 2013 – Friday - 9am-Noon – “How Great Thou ART” adult painting class – Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts

TBA – Middle School Boy’s Plein Air Workshop (one day - six students) Location and Date TBA

TBA - Middle School Girl’s Plein Air Workshop (one day - six students) Location and Date TBA

TBA… Workshops details and age groups coming soon!