May 9, 2013

Master Study: Jacob van Ruisdael

"Wheat Fields"
Jacob van Ruisdael
circa 1670
I love to study old and new masters of art. As an art instructor, I teach their techniques and styles to my students to help them gain a better understanding of fine art and develop technical skill.  Often I will cover old masters' paintings (but usually change it up a bit) to learn something from them myself. I varied this Jacob van Ruisdael painting "Wheat Fields" as a cloud study. Jacob van Ruisdael (1628-1682) is one of my favorite Dutch landscape painters from the17th century.

I started this as an old masters painting demo for my 5th grade art classes at Carolina Forest International Elementary when I was filling in for the art teacher while she was on maternity leave. While in between spring and summer semesters at ECU... I finally got a chance to finish it yesterday. Here is my cover of van Ruisdael's "Wheat Fields."

In Art,

"Wheat Fields" by Bernie Rosage Jr. after Jacob van Ruisdael
8 3/4"x14 1/2" oil on linen